Takes place at the time of rice harvesting, fish from river. Houses and garden…
Javanese people have a tradition to celebrate seven months of pregnancy. Proco…
The nature and beautiful cereal offering a distinctive cultural java around th…
Part of the annual celebration in my village is to visit the grave ( ziarah kub…
Hindu rituals in the temples of jolotundo, usually done on the day or evening. …
Hindu Legends THE MAHABHARATA Sometimes called the Barata-Yuddha. Critics have…
Christmas is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God, born of Mary…
Rengganis Top at Argopuro Mount Including the mountain Argopuro hyang easte…
Many muslim woman view the veil as a mens to protect their modesty and privacy.…
Bali is known as pulau dewata, exotic islands of nature and culture. The hindu …
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