Modernity and Traditional Tools

Traditional Farm beside Factory

The industrial revolution was a total change in technology, socio-economic and culture at the end of the 18th century and early 19th century happened with economic replacement of manpower into the machine in the activities of production and distribution of goods or services. The revolution began in the United Kingdom with the use of the steam engine and coal as fuel for the main textile poduksi. The development of this machine equipment was recorded extensively in the first two decades of the 19th century who made the machines production began to be used in any other industry.
In his book Understanding the Industrial Revolution, Charles More using the terminology of the industrial revolution in the concepts of invention, innovation and value for money. Invention is a set of ideas that lead to the design of new techniques or wake up/prototype (in the case of the engine), thus including non-mechanical changes. Invention could be called as new discoveries are found by experts in order to solve a problem or make easier the work being done by humans. For example, e.g. upa engine invented by James Watt is useful to run a wide assortment of machine that became the early onset of the industrial revolution as explained in the beginning. Other examples, such as the discovery of a car as a tool transportai that transforms the human capacity to move into more easy, practical and safe.
While innovation or innovation is the incorporation of new techniques or machinery in the production of goods or services, the provision of new products as the implications of the invention. Joseph Schumpeter argued about the definition of innovation in the economy evolves in some respects, namely: (1) introduce new stuff where the uninitiated Subscriber or a new quality of an item. (2) introduce new production methods is needed, found through a series of scientific tests. (3. new market Opening, in which a company does not enter it, whether that market exists or does not exist when the company entered it. (4) control of new raw materials for industrial goods.(5) run the new organisation, such as menciptaka monopol or open another company monopoly. In Schumpeter's view, more about innovation, an innovator is considered equivalent to self-employment. Those who did not considered entrepreneurial innovation and an innovator takes an important part of their environment through economic activities. For example, a businessman buying sugar cane milling machines and sugar cane being the mengemasnya ready to drink packaging products i.e. ice cane. These entrepreneurs can be said to have succeeded in combining the machines with the new changes to produce a product that promises, and he may be referred to as an innovator as said by Schumpeter.

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