From Kalimati to the peak of Mahameru we spend 3-6 hours, depend on the weather, numbers of climbers and dust. a big number of climber can produce huge dust a long the journey and slow down the move because an narrow trail is difficult to the climber to pass the others. Usually the climbers start in the mid night and reach the peak till dawn, enjoy the sunrise. One hour climbing from Kalimati, we come in Arcopodo, Now the twins statues here are missing. The trail is narrow, stepy, and dusty. The deep valley in the left and in the right side through the woodland. The next journey is an open area with sandy, stepy and dusty. Hoping a good weather stay with us. One step we walk, a half feet we go down and burried in the sand. A cloudy night or fogs can make the sight not so clear. A storm can be so dangerous to contonue to the peak. In the top of the mountain, called Mahameru, We can enjoy an unforgettable and fantastic panorama towards many peaks of East Java, coasts and seas, and sunrise in the east horizon. The climbers must wait an exploded crater to take a picture. Before 9 AM the climbers must leave the peak, because the explosion toward to the peak, bring poison, sand, stone, ash, and dust.
Semeru is regularly climbed by tourists, usually starting from the village of Ranu Pane to the north, but though non-technical it can be dangerous. Soe Hok Gie, an Indonesian political activist of the 1960s died in 1969 from inhaling poisonous gases while hiking on Mount Semeru.