Glagah Beach: Between The Airport and Mine

"Laut untuk Masa Depan" is the tagline that I found not far from the entrance gate of glagah Beach tourism - Kulon Progo Jogjakarta. This area was once the spotlight on the construction airports and iron mine, to forward this region will become a Center for investment and community can experience the dilemma between conservation of nature with the influx of money from outside. Farmers would prefer to trade off on planting watermelons. Fishermen would prefer to become a laborer instead of having to search for fish struggled. It already exists in the view of young people on there. 

Pantai Glagah, afternoon on 24 august 2014
...billow waves and tourists...

....traditional market on the edge of the coast..


...may block the surf but can't thwart investment...


....afternoon and roasted corn....
....toilet but not free....

.....spread color and services...

..not to eat but for hire

...Rahmat Jaya ... for fishing...

...traditional fishing nets...

...the sign on the sea...

...from the Government for the safety of fishermen.
Bonus Pict: 
as snow

karate beach

my contemplation to
final project for College

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